With the number of options included in BioShip, I had some feedback that the WordPress Customizer was loading rather slowly... Well, rather than complain or blame javascript code bloat in the Customizer API (which doesn't really achieve anything and seems like is only going to get worse not better as the Customizer expands) I've opted to split the BioShip options into two screens: Basic and Advanced.

The options are still available via Skin, Muscle and Skeleton panels on both pages, but split into more user-facing and more developer-facing options. This solution seems to suit the Customizer purpose better, as the majority of the Live Preview options for basic styling or design are available on the Basic page and the less often changed options for development on the Advanced page. Personally I much prefer accessing everything on the one page via Titan Framework, but for those who prefer the Customizer this will speed things up a bit.

Of course there are some other improvements in this version, one of note being the fixing of the StickyKit and mobile queries conflict. This means you can now enable StickyKit for the sidebar elements without having to worry about it glitching out on smaller screens. Also, with the addition of the option to load jQuery MatchHeight, you can easily match the height of content grid columns (or other elements) simply by adding the class matchheight to them. Neat.

Here's a more complete list of updates:

  • Customizer: split into Basic and Advanced Option pages
  • Option: jQuery Match Height loading for .matchheight classes
  • Added: function tracer lines to all templating functions
  • Fixed: jQuery StickyKit and Mobile Queries conflict
  • Fixed: jQuery StickyKit total width display glitch
  • Fixed: set changed theme sidebar state for empty sidebars
  • Removed: old unused display output override checks
  • Optimized: reduced old meta formatting code bloat

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