function muscle_theme_settings($vsettings) {
// to override the theme settings array
return $vsettings;
function muscle_theme_settings_fallback($vsettings) {
// for use in case of corrupt serialized settings emergency
// you can provide a full manual settings fallback array
return $vsettings;
add_filter('theme_debug', 'muscle_theme_debug_switch');
function muscle_theme_debug_switch($vdebug) {
// whether to output theme debug info, off by default
// eg. echo theme debug info on a particular page ID
# if (is_page('1')) {$vdebug = true;}
return $vdebug;
add_filter('theme_tracer', 'muscle_theme_tracer_switch');
function muscle_theme_tracer_switch($vtrace) {
// theme tracer override
// Example: run theme tracer if User ID is 1
# global $current_user;
# $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
# if ($current_user->ID == '1') {$vtrace = true;}
return $vtrace;
function muscle_admin_menu_title($vtitle) {
// default menu title is 'BioShip Options'
# $vtitle = 'Theme Options';
return $vtitle;
function muscle_options_themepage_styles($vstyles) {
// add some extra styling to the Theme Options page
# $vstyles .= ".filterbutton {font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold;}";
return $vstyles;
function muscle_title_fonts($vfonts) {
// Here you could add some title font options to the selector
// Loaded from the Google Fonts API:
// remember to use + for spaces as in the following example
# $vfonts['Special+Font'] = 'Special Font';
return $vfonts;
function muscle_customizer_split_options($vsplit) {
// do not split customizer into 'basic' and 'advanced' pages
# $vsplit = false;
return $vsplit;
function muscle_customizer_extra_styles($vstyles) {
# TODO: example
return $vstyles;
function muscle_customizer_logo_image($vimage) {
# TODO: example
return $vimage;
function muscle_customizer_description($vdescription) {
# TODO: example
return $vdescription;
function muscle_customizer_color_accent($vcolor) {
# TODO: example
return $vcolor;
function muscle_customizer_color_back($vcolor) {
# TODO: example
return $vcolor;
function muscle_customizer_panel_width($vwidth) {
// Example: set panel width in em units
# $vwidth = '4em';
return $vwidth;
function muscle_theme_hooks($vhooks) {
// allows for changing template hook order etc.
return $vhooks;
function muscle_title_tag_support($vsupport) {
// you can turn off theme title-tag support
// and fallback to use of filtered wp_title
# $vsupport = 0;
return $vsupport;
function muscle_mobile_metas($vmobilemetas) {
// Add your own mobile meta tags
# $vmobilemetas .= '';
return $vmobilemetas;
// /= Apple Touch Icon Sizes =/
// ----------------------------
# remove_filskeleton_apple_icons','skeleton_apple_icon_sizes');
function muscle_apple_icon_sizes($vsizes) {
// Output your own list of sizes and icon URLs (HTML)
# $vsizes = ''; // etc.
return $vsizes;
// /= Apple Startup Images =/
// --------------------------
# remove_filskeleton_startup_images','skeleton_apple_startup_images');
function muscle_apple_startup_images($vimages) {
// Output your own list of startup images (HTML)
# $vimages = ''; // etc.
return $vimages;
function muscle_google_jquery_version($vversion) {
// use a different version of jQuery (CAUTION: not a good idea!)
// (matching current WordPress version is used by default)
# $vversion = '1.7.2';
return $vversion;
function muscle_post_thumbnail_size($size, $postid) {
// eg. Set to full size for the 'images' category
# if (is_category('images')) {$size = 'full';}
// eg. Set to full size for custom post type of 'image'
# if (get_post_type(get_the_ID()) == 'image') {$size = 'full';}
# OR alternatively
# if (is_singular('image')) {$size = 'full';}
return $size;
function muscle_list_thumbnail_size($size) {
// eg. Set to 4:3 video size for custom post type of 'video'
# if (is_post_type_archive('video')) {$size = 'video43';}
// eg. Set to squared150 for search pages
# if (is_search()) {$size = 'squared150';}
return $size;
function muscle_list_thumbnail_align($align) {
// change the thumbnail list alignment
# if (is_post_type_archive('video')) {$align = 'alignright';}
return $align;
function muscle_thumbnail_wrapper_classes($classes) {
// eg. change the default alignment to right for a particular post ID
# if (get_the_ID() == '100') {$classes = str_replace('alignleft','alignright',$classes);}
return $classes;
function muscle_thumbnail_classes($classes) {
// eg. add an additional class for all archive type pages
# if (is_archive()) {$classes .= ' archive-thumbnail';}
return $classes;
function muscle_thumbnail_override($html,$postid,$posttype,$size) {
// completely override the outputted thumbnail HTML
// eg. do not show thumbnails at all on search pages
# if (is_search()) {$html = '';}
// eg. set a different thumbnail size for the first thumbnail
// if on the homepage or frontpage, here medium (300x300)
# if ( (is_home()) || (is_front_page()) ) {
# if (strstr($html,'')) {
# $html = skeleton_get_thumbnail($postid,$posttype,'medium');
# }
# }
return $html;
add_filter('skeleton_html_comments', 'muscle_html_comments');
function muscle_html_comments($htmlcomments) {
// show HTML element comment wrappers on pages only
# if (is_page()) {$htmlcomments = 1;}
return $htmlcomments;
add_filter('skeleton_layout_width', 'muscle_layout_width');
function muscle_layout_width($width) {
// maximum width to scale up to via media queries
// 1.5.0: original layout width maximums were 960, 1140 or 1200
// but now this can be set to anything in theme options
# $width = 1200;
return $width;
add_filter('skeleton_grid_columns', 'muscle_grid_columns');
function muscle_grid_columns($columns) {
// set different total layout grid columns for a page
// (you would want to filter sidebar and content columns also)
// valid values 12,16,20,24 (word or number)
# $columns = '20';
return $columns;
add_filter('skeleton_content_grid_columns', 'muscle_content_grid_columns');
function muscle_content_grid_columns($columns) {
// set different total content grid columns, eg. for blog page
// valid values 12,16,20,24 (word or number)
# if (is_home()) ($columns = '20';}
return $columns;
add_filter('skeleton_container_classes', 'muscle_container_classes');
function muscle_container_classes($classes) {
// default is an array of container classes based on grid
// you can add extra classes, eg.
# if (is_page()) {$classes[] = 'mycontainerclass';}
return $classes;
add_filter('skeleton_header_classes', 'muscle_header_classes');
function muscle_header_classes($classes) {
// default is an array of header classes based on grid
// you can add extra classes, eg.
# if (is_page()) {$classes[] = 'myheaderclass';}
return $classes;
add_filter('skeleton_blog_display_name', 'muscle_blog_display_name');
function muscle_blog_display_name($sitename) {
// change the site title display
# eg. recapitalize site title
# $sitename = "Bio Ship";
return $sitename;
add_filter('skeleton_site_title_display', 'muscle_site_title_display');
function muscle_site_title_display($display) {
# eg. only display site title in header on front page
# if (!is_front_page()) {$display = false;} else {$display = true;}
return $display;
add_filter('skeleton_site_description_display', 'muscle_site_description_display');
function muscle_site_description_display($display) {
# eg. do not display site description in header on blog page
# if (is_home()) {$display = false;} else {$display = true;}
return $display;
add_filter('skeleton_header_logo_title_separator', 'muscle_header_logo_title_separator');
function muscle_header_logo_title_separator($sep) {
// Change separator used in home link title
# eg. change to - instead of |
# $sep = '-';
return $sep;
add_filter('skeleton_home_link_title', 'muscle_home_link_title');
function muscle_home_link_title($title) {
// Change link title used for home link
# eg. change to return home page text
# $title = __('Return to Home Page');
return $title;
add_filter('skeleton_title_link_url', 'muscle_title_link_url');
function muscle_title_link_url($url) {
// Change the URL the title links to
# eg. link to blog page
# $url = site_url('/blog/');
return $url;
add_filter('skeleton_logo_link_url', 'muscle_logo_link_url');
function muscle_logo_link_url($url) {
// Change the URL the logo links to
# eg. link to about page
# $url = site_url('/about/');
return $url;
add_filter('skeleton_header_logo_url', 'muscle_header_logo_url');
function muscle_header_logo_url($url) {
// to override the logo URL on a per page basis
# eg. change the logo URL for the front page or home page
# if (is_front_page()) {$url = site_url().'/images/frontpage-logo.png';}
# if (is_home()) {$url = site_url().'/images/blogpage-logo.png';}
return $url;
add_filter('skeleton_header_logo_override', 'muscle_header_logo_override');
function muscle_header_logo_override($html) {
// override the entire HTML logo area output
# if (is_front_page()) {$html = my_custom_logo_html_function();}
return $html;
add_filter('skeleton_logo_resize', 'muscle_logo_resize_override');
function muscle_logo_resize_override($resize) {
// You could turn logo resize on/off for specific page eg.
# if (is_front_page()) {$resize = 0;}
return $resize;
add_filter('skeleton_header_menu_settings', 'muscle_header_menu_settings');
function muscle_header_menu_settings($args) {
// change the settings for the header menu display
# eg. change the menu container ID
# $args['container_id'] = 'header_menu';
return $args;
add_filter('skeleton_header_menu', 'muscle_header_menu');
function muscle_header_meun($menu) {
// You can change the header menu output, eg.
# $menu = my_custom_menu_function();
return $menu;
add_filter('skeleton_header_extras', 'muscle_header_extras');
function muscle_header_extras($html) {
// You can set header extra text here as HTML, eg.
# $html = '
add_filter('skeleton_navigation_remove', 'muscle_navigation_remove');
function muscle_navigation_remove($removenav) {
// "hide" main navigation menu for a specific category
# if (is_category('articles')) {$removenav = true;}
return $removenav;
add_filter('skeleton_mobile_menu_buttons', 'muscle_mobile_menu_buttons');
function muscle_mobile_menu_buttons($buttons) {
// eg. change the mobile menu button output
# $buttons = my_custom_mobile_buttons_function();
return $buttons;
add_filter('skeleton_content_classes', 'muscle_content_classes');
function muscle_content_classes($classes) {
// add CSS classes to the #content div
# if (is_page('home')) {$classes = 'contentclass';}
return $classes;
add_filter('skeleton_content_columns', 'muscle_content_columns');
function muscle_content_columns($vcolumns) {
// modify the content columns layout width value (in columns value as a word)
// (important: differs from $content_width variable! see functions.php)
# $columns = 'ten';
return $vcolumns;
function muscle_content_columns_override($vcolumns) {
// eg. override as full width for a specific page
# if (is_page(1)) {$vcolumns = 'sixteen';}
return $vcolumns;
add_filter('skeleton_content_width', 'muscle_content_width');
function muscle_content_width($width) {
// the actual layout content width in pixels
// (default is calculated based on content columns and content padding)
return $width;
add_filter('skeleton_content_padding_width', 'muscle_content_padding_width');
function muscle_content_padding_width($width) {
// used to calculate actual content width in pixels
// (default is calculated from theme settings content padding value)
return $width;
add_filter('skeleton_header_sidebar', 'muscle_header_sidebar_template');
function muscle_header_sidebar_template($template) {
// eg, look for header-page.php sidebar template for pages
// (note: template file and corresponding widget will need to be created)
# if (get_post_type(get_the_ID()) == 'page') {$template = 'header-page';}
return $template;
add_filter('skeleton_sidebar_widget_wrappers', 'muscle_sidebar_widget_wrappers');
function muscle_sidebar_widget_wrappers($wrappers) {
// this sets the widget wrappers for all sidebars
// eg. change widget titles from
add_filter('skeleton_sidebar_settings', 'muscle_sidebar_settings');
function muscle_sidebar_settings($settings) {
// can change the registered sidebar label array
// for individual sidebar labels and wrappers by sidebar id
// eg. add a title class to search sidebar
# foreach ($settings as $id => $setting) {
# if ('search' == $id) {
# $settings[$id]['beforetitle'] = '
add_filter('skeleton_sidebar_layout_override', 'muscle_sidebar_layout_override');
function muscle_sidebar_layout_override($sidebars) {
# extensive examples and explanation needed for this in guide
return $sidebars;
add_filter('skeleton_sidebar_position', 'muscle_sidebar_position');
function muscle_sidebar_position($position) {
// eg. swap the from left to right for pages
# if ( (is_page()) && ($vposition == 'left') ) {$position = 'right';}
return $position;
add_filter('skeleton_sidebar_columns', 'muscle_sidebar_columns');
function muscle_sidebar_columns($vcolumns) {
// eg. change the main sidebar column width for a particlur page
# if (is_page('about')) {return 'three';}
// eg. change the column width for video archive pages
# if (is_post_type_archive('video')) {return 'two';}
return $vcolumns;
add_filter('skeleton_sidebar_classes', 'muscle_sidebar_classes');
function muscle_sidebar_classes($classes) {
// eg. add an alpha or omega class to fix margins
# $classes[] = 'alpha';
return $classes;
add_filter('skeleton_sidebar_hide', 'muscle_sidebar_hide');
function muscle_sidebar_hide($hidesidebar) {
// eg. hide the sidebar for a specific category
# is (is_category('articles')) {$hidesidebar = true;}
return $hidesidebar;
add_filter('skeleton_sidebar_output', 'muscle_sidebar_output');
function muscle_sidebar_output($outputsidebar) {
// eg. remove the sidebar on a specific post category
# is (is_category('articles')) {$outputsidebar = false;}
return $outputsidebar;
function muscle_subsidebar_position($position) {
// eg. swap the from internal to opposite for pages
# if ( (is_page()) && ($vposition == 'internal') ) {$position = 'opposite';}
return $position;
add_filter('skeleton_subsidebar_columns', 'muscle_subsidebar_columns');
function muscle_subsidebar_columns($vcolumns) {
// eg. change the subsidebar column width for a particlur page
# if (is_page('about')) {return 'three';}
// eg. change the column width for video archive pages
# if (is_post_type_archive('video')) {return 'two';}
return $vcolumns;
// = SubSidebar Class Filter =
// ---------------------------
// 1.8.0: allow subsidebar classes to be filtered
add_filter('skeleton_subsidebar_classes', 'muscle_subsidebar_classes');
function muscle_subsidebar_classes($vclasses) {
// eg. add an alpha or omega class to fix margins
# $vclasses[] = 'alpha';
return $vclasses;
add_filter('skeleton_subsidebar_hide', 'muscle_subsidebar_hide');
function muscle_subsidebar_hide($hidesubsidebar) {
// eg. hide the subsidebar for a specific category
# is (is_category('articles')) {$hidesubsidebar = true;}
return $hidesubsidebar;
add_filter('skeleton_subsidebar_output', 'muscle_subsidebar_output');
function muscle_subsidebar_output($voutputsubsidebar) {
// eg. remove the subsidebar from a specific category
# is (is_category('articles')) {$voutputsubsidebar = false;}
return $voutputsubsidebar;
function muscle_subtitle_key($vsubtitlekey) {
// returns the post/page custom field meta key used for subtitles
// default is the WP Subtitle Plugin key: 'wps_subtitle'
// if using another subtitle plugin you may need to change this
// eg. for video posts if subtitle is stored in 'video_subtitle'
# if (get_post_type(get_the_ID()) == 'video') {$vsubtitlekey = 'video_subtitle';}
return $vsubtitlekey;
function muscle_meta_format_top($vargs) {
# $vformat = $vargs['format'];
# $vposttype = $vargs['posttype'];
# $vpostid = $vargs['postid'];
// Here you could return a different meta format
// according to post type or other logic
# if ($vposttype == 'video') {$vargs['format'] = 'Video Metaline.';}
return $vargs;
function muscle_meta_format_bottom($vargs) {
# $vformat = $vargs['format'];
# $vposttype = $vargs['posttype'];
# $vpostid = $vargs['postid'];
// Here you could return a different meta format
// according to post type or other logic, eg.
# if ($vposttype == 'video') {$vargs['format'] = 'Video Metaline.';}
return $vargs;
function muscle_list_meta_format_top($vformat) {
// default is set via theme options
// override whether the entry meta top is shown in a post list
// eg. for a 'video' post type, don't show the entry meta in post list
# if (get_post_type() == 'video') {return '0';}
return $vformat;
function muscle_list_meta_format_bottom($vformat) {
// default is set via theme options
// override whether the entry meta bottom is shown in a post list
// eg. for a 'video' post type, do show the entry meta bottom in post list
# if (get_post_type() == 'video') {return '1';}
return $vformat;
function muscle_meta_override_top($vmeta) {
// here you can completely override the entry meta top output
// eg. clear the top meta output for search results
# if (is_search()) {$vmeta = '';}
return $vmeta;
function muscle_meta_override_bottom($vmeta) {
// here you can completely override the entry meta bottom output
// eg. clear the bottom meta output for all archive pages
# if (is_archive()) {$vmeta = '';}
return $vmeta;
function muscle_author_bio_box($vshowbox) {
// override when the author bio box is shown
// set $vshowbox to '1' to display, anything else to not display
// (value is already set for current post type)
// eg. always hide for a particular post category
# if (is_category('Site News')) {$vshowbox = 0;}
return $vshowbox;
function muscle_author_bio_box_position($vposition) {
// override the selected theme options bio box position
// eg. if bottom by default for a page, switch to top
// remembering to handle to other position or you get two
# if (get_post_type()) == 'page') {
# if ($vposition == 'top') {$vposition == 'bottom';}
# elseif ($vposition == 'bottom') {$vposition == 'top;}
# }
return $vposition;
function muscle_author_bio_avatar_size($vsize) {
// change the squared size of the Author Avatar in the bio box
// eg. a different size for a video post type
# if (get_post_type() == 'video') {$vsize = '96';}
return $vsize;
function muscle_comments_template($vtemplate) {
// change the default comments template used from comments.php
// note: do not forget the leading / slash or it will fail
// you can already use comments-{posttype}.php via hierarchy
// eg. for an alternative about page comments template
# if (is_page('About')) {$vtemplate = '/about-comments.php';}
return $vtemplate;
function muscle_post_type_display($vposttypedisplay) {
// defaults to the label set in post type object
// change a post type display name eg, a CPT slug to display name
# if ($vposttype == 'dwqa-question') {return 'Support Question';}
return $vposttypedisplay;
function muscle_pagenavi_post_types($vposttype) {
// by default page navigation is off for pages
// eg, you could turn it on for a certain page
# if (is_page('123')) {$vposttype = 'page';}
return $vposttype;
function muscle_pagenavi_archive_types($vposttype) {
// by default page navigation is off for pages
// eg, you could turn it on for a certain page
# if (is_page('123')) {$vposttype = 'page';}
return $vposttype;
function muscle_breadcrumb_post_types($vposttypes) {
# TODO: example
return $vposttypes;
function muscle_breadcrumb_archive_types($varchivetypes) {
# TODO: example
return $varchivetypes;
function muscle_display_override_filter($voverride) {
// Here you could force enable or disable of a page override eg.
# if (get_post_type(get_the_ID()) == 'video') {
# $voverride['hideheader'] = ''; $voverride['hidesidebar'] = '1';
# }
return $voverride;
function muscle_perpage_styles_filter($vstyles) {
// Here you could add styles to specific post types eg.
# if (get_post_type(get_the_ID()) == 'video') {
# $vstyles .= '.videocontainer {width:95%;}';
# }
return $vstyles;
function muscle_widget_text_do_shortcodes($vswitch) {
// defaults to true, but you can turn them off eg.
# $vswitch = false;
return $vswitch;
function muscle_widget_title_do_shortcodes($vswitch) {
// defaults to true, but you can turn them off eg.
# $vswitch = false;
return $vswitch;
function muscle_custom_fitvids_elements($velements) {
// eg. Use fitvids on #sidebar as well as #content for video archives
# if (is_post_type_archive('video')) {$velements .= ',#sidebar';
return $velements;
function muscle_dynamic_css($vcss) {
// Add some CSS string replacement rules
# if (strstr($vcss,'%SOMETHING%')) {
# $vcss = str_replace('%SOMETHING%','something.png',$vcss);
# }
// or add some extra CSS to your site
// note: conditional page context checks will fail in this filter
// if it is loaded by the (preferred) direct or admin-ajax methods
# $vcss .= '';
return $vcss;
function muscle_dynamic_admin_css($vcss) {
// Add some CSS string replacement rules
# if (strstr($vcss,'%SOMETHING%')) {
# $vcss = str_replace('%SOMETHING%','something.png',$vcss);
# }
// or add some extra CSS to the admin
# $vcss .= '';
return $vcss;
function muscle_dynamic_login_css($vcss) {
// Add some CSS string replacement rules
# if (strstr($vcss,'%SOMETHING%')) {
# $vcss = str_replace('%SOMETHING%','something.png',$vcss);
# }
// or add some extra CSS to the login page
# $vcss .= '';
return $vcss;
function muscle_admin_bar_theme_options($vadminbar) {
// could turn this off
# $vadminbar = 0;
return $vadminbar;
function muscle_adminbar_menu_icon($vicon) {
// default menu icon is '\\f115'
// note: be sure to escape the backslash!
# $vicon = '\\f100';
return $vicon;
function muscle_adminbar_theme_options_icon($vurl) {
// note: adminbar icon size is forced to 22px by 22px via skin.php
// default searches for /images/theme-icon.png via file hierarchy
// you could change this to a different filename, eg. child-icon.png
# global $vthemedirs;
# $viconurl = bioship_file_hierarchy('url','child-icon.png',$vthemedirs['image']);
# if ($viconurl) {return $viconurl;}
return $vurl;
function muscle_infinite_scroll_numposts($vnumposts) {
// change the number of posts each load
# $vnumposts = 3;
return $vnumposts;
function muscle_infinite_scroll_settings($vsettings) {
// use an alternative custom loop render function
# $vsettings['render'] = 'my_custom_render_loop';
return $vsettings;
function muscle_woocommerce_alternative_directory($vswitch) {
// to turn off alternate /templates/woocommerce/ directory and use /woocommerce/ default
# $vswitch = false;
return $vswitch;
function muscle_declare_woocommerce_support($vswitch) {
// you could turn off woocommerce support declaration
# $vswitch = '0';
return $vswitch;
function muscle_tgm_plugins_array($vplugins) {
// Add to or modify the recommended plugins array
// see end of parent functions.php for existing array
// see /includes/tgm-examples.php for in-depth examples
// eg. add back some recommendations from the SMPL Skeleton Theme
# $vplugins[] = array('name'=>'WP-PageNavi','slug'=>'wp-pagenavi','required'=>false);
# $vplugins[] = array('name'=>'Simple Shortcodes','slug'=>'smpl-shortcodes','required'=>false);
return $vplugins;
function muscle_tgm_config_array($vconfig) {
// Add to or modify the TGM configuration array
// see end of parent functions.php for existing array
# $vconfig[''] =
return $vconfig;
function muscle_theme_page_message($vmessage) {
// Here you can change the outputted message on the theme options page.
# $vmessage = 'Theme Plugin Recommendations. ';
return $vmessage;
function muscle_plugin_page_message($vmessage) {
// Here you can change the outputted message on the TGM plugin page.
# $vmessage = 'Plugin Recommendation Installation Page. ';
return $vmessage;
function muscle_open_graph_default_image_url($vurl) {
// override the default open graph url set via theme options
// any valid image URL will do here, 600x600 is optimal (afaik)
# $vurl = site_url().'/images/my-sites-default-image.png';
return $vurl;
function muscle_open_graph_default_size($vimagesize) {
// set an explicit width[0] and height[1] for the default image URL
# $vimagesize[0] = '600'; $vimagesize[1] = '600';
return $vimagesize;
function muscle_open_graph_override_image_custom($vimage) {
// override the existing open graph image meta
// return any array with width[0], height[1] and url[2]
// the URL needs to be here at least, width and height better but optional
// for example, setup image URLs for categories based on ID so we can upload to:
// /images/category-image-1.jpg, /images/category-image-2.jpg, etc...
# if (is_category()) {
# global $wp_query; // bizarre: no wp function to get current category ID
# $vi = $wp_query->cat_ID; // so just getting it from the main wp_query
# $vogimage = array();
# $vimagepath = '/images/category-image-'.$vi.'.jpg';
// here we are setting an explicit common width[0] and height[1]
// and the image URL itself [2] to the image array returned
# if (file_exists(ABSPATH.$vimagepath)) {
# $vogimage[0] = '600'; $vogimage[1] = '600';
# $vogimage[2] = site_url().$vimagepath;
# }
# }
# if (isset($vogimage[2])) {if ($vogimage[2] != '') {return $vogimage;} }
return $vimage;