This helps organize the design, functionality and templating options respectively (see BioShip Home)
Theme Options Frameworks
WordPress Customizer
/admin/customizer.phpBioShip supports the in-built WordPress Customizer for all Theme Options with Live Preview updates via the Customizer API. The Customizer gives you a sidebar panel with Theme Settings and a live preview window that is updated by javascript or refresh. Bioship implements some custom controls by using the Kirki Library in combination with it's own theme options array. You will also see some extra panel controls have been added for the Customizer to control sidebar width and position. If you find the Customizer interface restrictive is it recommended you use the Titan Framework admin page instead.
WordPress.Org Compliance
The Customizer is required to be supported for making BioShip freely available on WordPress.Org theme repository in future. If you are curious, this step was taken by the Theme Review Team to provide a more consistent experience for the end user. Personally I prefer using Options or Titan Framework to the Customizer, but all options are available on either it is up to you! π If you are using the WordPress.Org version of BioShip, you will need to install Titan Framework as a plugin to access Titan Admin page. If you would prefer to use bundled Titan or Options Framework, reinstall the theme from BioShip.Space. (Note the file update-checker.php is removed from the WP.Org version so that updates are via the WordPress.Org repository.)Titan Framework
/includes/titan/Titan provides a great modern user interface for modifying all available Theme Settings for BioShip in the one place.
There is a wide variety of controls available via Titan, however only a small number are used to reduce complexity.
Note: admin page output is changed for BioShip so that all tabs are available on the one pageload (like Options Framework.)
Reference: Titan Framework Documentation.
[Theme Settings option_name key: child-theme-slug_options]
Options Framework
/includes/options/BioShip Theme Options were originally handled by the Options Framework, which is still supported but no longer default.
While there are some minor differences between the Titan and Options Framework, they are very similar in operation.
Reference: Options Framework Documentation.
[Theme Settings option_name key: child_theme_slug]
v1.5.0+ Upgrade Notice
Since Titan if now used by default after v1.5.0, if you are upgrading from that, use one of the two options given below,
either to switch back to Options Framework or to transfer your existing theme settings to the Titan Framework format.
Framework Switching
To use Options instead of Titan, create an option name 'theme-slug_framework' and the value of 'options' Alternatively, you can create a file in your desired theme directory called and if you wish to switch back to using Titan again, create a file called titanswitch.on If either of these files is created it will change the above options value and then delete the file. After switching between these Frameworks you will want to review your theme settings and resave.
Transferring Settings
?transfersettings=totitan&fromtheme=theme-slug&totheme=theme-slugTo transfer settings from one framework to another you can use the above querystring on an admin URL (when logged in as administrator or with edit_theme_options capability.) This is helpful when converting theme settings from Options Framework usage to using Titan Framework instead. After doing the transfer and switching to the Titan Framework, be sure to check your settings (especially fonts) on the Theme Options page and save them again to remove again discrepencies.
The totheme parameter is optional, if left out it will transfer settings to your current active theme. Note: Currently only supports transferring existing theme settings TO Titan from Options Framework. as code is needed for image URLs from Options Framework to be inserted in the media library for Titan, and development will be moving forward with Titan rather than Options Framework.)
Copying Theme Settings
?copysettings=yes&fromtheme=theme-slug&totheme=theme-slugTo copy theme settings between any two existing themes using the above query string on an admin URL (when logged in as administrator or with edit_theme_options capability.) This may be helpful if you created a Child Theme and the theme settings failed to transfer from the Parent Theme. Or if you simply wish to copy theme settings between themes for some other reason.
Other Frameworks
Hybrid Core
/includes/hybrid2/ or /includes/hybrid3/Hybrid Core Framework is included with BioShip for a number of useful in-built function and extensions, such as content template hierarchy, page element attributes and inbuilt markup
Hybrid Core is activated via Theme Options -> Skeleton -> Hybrid tab.
Note: for consistency, Hybrid Content Template Hierarchy and attributes are implemented regardless of this.
Hybrid Hook
/includes/hybrid-hook/All hook positions are automatically made available to the Hybrid Hook plugin (modified for BioShip.) When activated (via Theme Options -> Skeleton -> Hybrid) you can access Appearance -> Hybrid Hook. This allows you to easily add content (Text, HTML or Shortcode) to any of the Layout Hook section positions. (You can also specify a priority if you need to insert between existing hooked functions.) see the Layout Hook Guide for a detailed hook reference.
/includes/foundation5/ or /includes/foundation6/Foundation by Zurb loading is activated via Theme Options -> Skeleton -> Foundation tab.
BioShip Extensions
For further theme extensions, see the online BioShip Extensions page.← Previous: Child Theme Setup | Back to Documentation Index |